Wednesday, November 18

{fourteen months}


Stacy said...

She is absolutely adorable!!! We miss seeing you guys on a daily basis! Once things slow down from Chile we will have to get together.

Andrea said...

She is so cute! Hope you don't mind we look at your pictures now because I think they are so great! You do such a good job and of course I make Todd look with me! Hope you guys are doing well!

Jason, Ivy and baby Jacie said...

She's so stinkin cute!

Kyle Thieme said...

I sort of stumbled on to this site. Its amazing eva. I think you have loads of talent. Your daughter is adorable. I hope all is well with you!

Kyle Thieme

PS: I think its funny that your Live Traffic Feed can tell I'm here in Sweden.

Karyn said...

She is gorgeous Eva! I love her so much!! Miss you guys.

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