Sunday, March 14


Week Six:
There is nothing like spending a Sunday evening with the family. We went kite flying for the first time. It was pretty challenging, but where it is 7:30 pm and 73 degrees, who can complain!

Week Five:
We went for a mini road trip and on the way home our little gal was quite he character! We all had so much fun!

Week Four:
My husband and I have been blessed with another girl in our home!
This is how I broke the news to my family. Once they bit into it, they realized it was a girl


Week Three:
As the seasons change I am greatful for each of them and what they bring

Week Two:
My little girl saying everything is "pretty"

Someone gave me the idea to capture the things that I am grateful for. So for the rest of the year each week I will be posting that exact thing.

Week One:
The discovery of little fingers and minds

- Eva 


Stacy said...

The cupcake was such a creative idea to tell your fam! they turn out adorable.

Anonymous said...

This idea is so dang cute! I will miss you guys when you leave for the summer. Love ya!

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