Thursday, November 26

{Be Thankful}

This is my wonderful little family! I am so greatful for my husband and my sweet daughter. I am so blessed!


Kacie said...

I love it! This is a great picture!

Stockbridge Family said...

Eva! you are an AWESOME photographer!! When's the next time your coming to AZ? We just had a baby girl and will need to update our pics as soon as I lose weight:-) Our blog is
Fun to see your pics!

Stacy said...

You guys look so good! I love it! Kate's face is adorable.

Lindsey Stokes said...

Look at your beautiful little family! Beautiful picture!

Karyn said...

What a gorgeous family! Miss you guys.

Adrienne and Darren said...

You have such a beautiful Family. You look amazing. I love all of your other pictures also. The Temple one is Amazing!!!!

Coon Family said...

You are still as Gorgeous as ever and have a little girl to carry on your "beautiful" genes! That is great that you are a photographer. Hope as is well!

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